Dr. Letaief is an internationally recognized leader in wireless communications and networks with research interest in machine learning, mobile edge computing, 5G systems and beyond. He is well recognized for his dedicated service to IEEE where he served in many leadership positions, including IEEE Communications Society President and founding Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
He is recipient of many distinguished awards including 2019 HKUST Distinguished Research Excellence Award; 2019 IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award; 2016 IEEE Marconi Prize Award in Wireless Communications; and 2010 Purdue University Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineer Award. He is IEEE Fellow and HKIE Fellow. He is also recognized by Thomson Reuters as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher with over 33,750 citations and h-index of over 80.
Dr. Letaief received the BS degree with distinction, MS and Ph.D. Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, USA.
6G: Towards Integrated Intelligence for a Connected World
5G networks are expected to represent a revolutionary leap with profound social and economic impacts. While the demand for capacity will continue to grow and much of it will be met by 5G, the continuous emergence of data-intensive applications cannot be supported by 5G and will require the launch of 6G, which will transform the wireless evolution from “connected things” to “connected intelligence”. To achieve this, 6G must overcome significant technical challenges such as exceptionally high bit rates, super low latencies, extremely high spectral efficiency, ultra-wide frequency bands, and ubiquitous connections between ground, satellite, sea, and airborne networks.
In this talk, we will describe some of the key solutions to address these challenges with an emphasis on the use of machine learning, a powerful artificial intelligence approach, for supporting intelligent networks. A roadmap toward 6G will also be discussed.
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