Lorenzo Mucchi (M’98-SM’12) received the Ph.D. in telecommunications and information society from the University of Florence, Italy in 2001. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Florence, Italy. His research interests involve theory and experimentation of wireless systems and networks including physical-layer security, visible light communications, ultra-wideband techniques, body area networks, and interference management. Dr. Mucchi is serving as an associate editor of IEEE Communications Letter and IEEE Access, and he has been Editor-in-Chief for Elsevier Academic Press. He is a member of the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) Smart Body Area Network (SmartBAN) group (2013) and team leader of the special task force 511 (2016). He has been lead organizer and general chair of IEEE and EAI international conferences.
How 6G technology can change the future wireless healthcare
The current implementation of 5G technology has pushed the academic community to think about what is next. To properly answer this question, we have to figure out which will be the needs in the future. The speech deals with the answers to those questions for the health vertical of 6G. The grown and the aging of population worldwide make the current healthcare systems unsustainable in the future. Wireless health has to be implemented to let all citizens be followed and managed in the health process of their life, with a sustainable cost for the community. 6G is envisioned to be a technology which will not only make the wireless healthcare true, but it also will enable the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things, letting the human body be part of the “Net”. Very low complex wearable/implantable devices will be part of our everyday life, which can recover information about our health and lifestyle from every object we interact with, from a bottle of water to a smart drug.
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