The Workshop isCANCELLED

Friday 20 March 2020, 9:00-12:00

Till the 5G standardization and its deployment, the primary focus has been on engineering objectives and KPIs. As we move beyond the present-day networks, the objectives should also include human and societal impacts of networks (both wired and wireless), such that the quality of life for everyone is improved, including those who have yet to experience the value of the Internet. This is because our future society will be increasingly digitized, hyper-connected and globally data-driven. This implies that the Future Networks should be inclusive and useable by everyone. Softwarization of the networks at the scale of IT infrastructure, use of ML, blockchain and AI are bound to play a key role to enable this societal transformation. System optimization and flexible architectures are going to key to be the key requirements for 6G networks

The goal of the Future Networks Workshop/Forum is to present and discuss the latest insights and innovations from industry and academia on future networks. Nothing succeeds without innovations in business models, and, therefore, we especially welcome papers on techno-economics and business models. This workshop will include talks exploring the following topics of interest (but not limited to): wireless connectivity, backhaul solutions, devices, circuit technology and signal processing, distributed computing and storage, AI/ML/blockchain applied to future networks, services and applications.

Workshop organizers: Dr. Sudhir Dixit & Dr. Ashutosh Dutta


Sudhir Dixit is a Co-Founder, Senior Fellow and Evangelist at the Basic Internet Foundation in Oslo, Norway, and heads its US operations.  He is also associated with the Academy of Finland 6G Flagship Programme, led by the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland.  From 2015 to 2017 he was the CEO and Co-Founder of a start-up, Skydoot, Inc. From 2009 to 2015, he was a Distinguished Chief Technologist and CTO of the Communications and Media Services for the Americas Region of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Services in Palo Alto, CA, and the Director of Hewlett-Packard Labs India in Palo Alto and Bangalore. Before joining HP, he held various leadership positions at BlackBerry, Nokia, NSN and Verizon Communications.

He has been a technical editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, and is presently a Board Member & Working Group Chair at the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF). He is also on the editorial boards of IEEE Spectrum Magazine and Springer’s Wireless Personal Communications Journal. He is a Co-Chair of the Industry Engagement Committee of the IEEE Future Network Initiative and is on its Industry Outreach Board (IOB).  In 2018, he was appointed a Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE Communications Society. From 2010 to 2012, he was an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Davis, and, since 2010, he has been a Docent at the University of Oulu, Finland. A Life Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of IET and IETE, Dixit holds a Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. and an M.B.A. from the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida.

Ashutosh Dutta is currently Senior Wireless Communication Systems Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labs (JHU/APL), USA. Most recently he served as Principal Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Labs in Middletown, New Jersey. His career, spanning more than 30 years, includes leading position in several industries. Ashutosh served as the chair for IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section, Industry Relation Chair for Region 1 and MGA, Pre-University Coordinator for IEEE MGA and vice chair of Education Society Chapter of PCJS. He co-founded the IEEE STEM conference (ISEC) and helped to implement EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) projects in several high schools. Ashutosh currently serves as the Director of Industry Outreach for IEEE Communications Society and is the founding co-chair for IEEE 5G initiative. He also serves as IEEE Communications Society’s Distinguished Lecturer for 2017-2018. Ashutosh serves as the general co-chair for the premier IEEE 5G World Forum. He was recipient of the prestigious 2009 IEEE MGA Leadership award and 2010 IEEE-USA professional leadership award. Ashutosh is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.

Link to Program Details at IEEE Future Networks.

Hits: 598


Final manuscript:
14 February 2020


Update in the evening of 12 March 2020:

2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 will be organised as a VIRTUAL EVENT due to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation.


Email information sent to all participants: Workshops and Tutorials cancelled on Thursday and Friday 19-20 March!


Final Programme published


Organizers’ approach on COVID-19 virus published


Advance Programme published!


Call for Participation published for Expert Groups for Themed 6G Research White Papers












Video recap of the 6G WIRELESS Summit 2019